This certificate in Diversity & Inequality recognizes special expertise in the racial, ethnic, gender, and age diversity of communities and workplaces. It places special emphasis on how these population categories are associated with inequality and social injustice. This certificate program may prepare students for careers in diversity management, law, human resources, and social policy. You are required to complete FOUR courses with a grade of C or better.
Each course may be used for one certificate only.
Application: Click here to apply
Diversity & Inequality Courses:
Sociology 44 (Births, Deaths, and Migration)
Sociology 51 (Asian American Family and Community)
Sociology 56 (Religion and Society)
Sociology 62 (Families and Intimate Relations)
Sociology 63 (Race and Ethnicity)
Sociology 64 (Sociology of Sexuality)
Sociology 68 (Gender and Race Inequality in the Workplace)
Sociology 68A (Ethnic and Immigrant America)
Sociology 150 (Sociological Lens on Religion)
Sociology 154 (Medical Sociology)
Sociology 151 (Social Inequality and Health)
Sociology 161 or 161W (Sociology of Sex and Gender)
Sociology 164 or 164W (Sociology of Aging)
Sociology 166 (Immigration and Inequality)
Sociology 167A or 167AW (Racial and Ethnic Relations in the US)
Sociology 169 (Race, Sex and the Media)
Sociology 179 (African American Protest Movements)
Sociology 173 (Social Inequality)
Sociology 175B (China in the Global Age)
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